Sunday, October 24, 2010

First MTC Picture!

At church today the mother of the missionary on the right showed me this picture! Her son is also in our ward and he had Jarom's good friend (first elder) from Gunnison in his district. I was so excited!! I miss my Jarom so much, so its great to get a picture of him. Sorry the quality isn't good, for some reason it wouldn't let me upload the scanned image so its a picture of a picture. I haven't gotten any pictures from Jarom yet because he has been having trouble with his camera card but has now found a machine that will read his card so pictures will come soon!!! How cute is he? I don't care how hard things might be in France, how could anyone turn away such a handsome boy?! haha...yep, that would be a 'mother' talking.
So he will be flying out about the 8 or 9 of November and I am so looking forward to his phone call. He has a 4 hour lay-over in Dallas so his call should be a long one:) Just an update on his time at the MTC. His companion is a little taller and skinnier than Jarom, is quiet like Jarom and they really enjoy each other. Thank goodness. His district is the BEST! All of this has helped him adjust even tho there were some really homesick days the first week there. He is doing great, teaching and speaking in French all the time, loving the continuous Spiritual moments that happen every day and looks forward to attending the temple every Friday.  A new group of  forty French speaking missionaries have come in and now he is one of the 'old' missionaries. He was hilarious when he said the newbies all looked so innocent..haha.. Imagine feeling old at 19...He has been able to see his friends come and leave the MTC and he is still there, but hey, thats the price for getting to serve in France:)  His last letter home he said many times that he is so ready to go and serve the people in France. When I hear that, it makes the missing him a little easier.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Puffer Lake

Leaving the Office early to go and relax and take pictures up at Puffer Lake was just what I needed today!  Life was getting in the way of me going and seeing the beautiful fall leaves and I've almost missed them.  I took many pictures and I am sharing only a few but probably too many :)

Jay caught his first fish almost faster than I could get my camera ready! It was crazy, the first few fish bit almost as soon as the power-bait hit the water. I truly enjoy watching my guys having so much fun with the excitement of catching fish after fish! I Unfortunately fishing isn't always this easy... I have to laugh though when Kambren is the only one who touches the fish. Jay just says its his turn, haha..Good thing he doesn't mind! The quakies were so beautiful, but its crazy how some have lost their leaves and then it varies to some that are still green. Fall is my favorite time of year.

This is the look of perfect happiness! Kambren caught a Native Brown along with all the Rainbow trout!

Mo is the best dog a boy could ever have, he never leaves Kambrens side.  How cool is this spiderweb? Never saw the spider thank goodness.

When I downloaded this picture I had to turn it around and  really had to look closely to see which side was the reflection.

Totally grosses me out and doesn't even bother him but he made a face just to humor me. The brown stuff I'm thinking is what he squeezed out of the fish just to see what they've been eating....
How cute is this picture?! They limited out in less than 30 minutes.

Beautiful ride home for an afternoon of enjoying the beautiful gifts of Fall.
Wondering if I should post the pictures of cleaning the fish, cooking and eating of the fish?
